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Monday, July 29, 2019



1. Banana
Banana is the cheapest fruit available in the market. Banana contains several essential nutrients, and has benefits for digestion, heart health and weight loss.
Banana is an ideal pre-workout food.
2. Cucumber
Cucumbers are extremely low in calories, but extremely high in nutrients, so they make a filling and healthy snack. Cucumbers also contain potassium and can help with lowering blood pressure.
Best way to eat cucumber is in the form of salad.
3. Garlic
Just eat 1 clove of garlic in the morning and it can help with cold, flu and even high cholesterol. Even garlic has proved to reduce the risk of cancer, due to its Anti-Carcinogenic properties
4. Tomato
Tomatoes are a very nutritional food source rich in anti-oxidants, vitamin A and C, folic acid and beta-carotene. They are also rich in a substance called lycopene. From your skin to your heart, and even your immune system, your entire body will benefit from eating tomato every day.
Just like cucumber, eat tomato in the salad or even tomato juice or soup can be made and drink every day.
5. Sprouts
Sprouts are powerhouse of nutrition and high in fiber to keep your stomach full. They contain fewer calories compared to other snacks and are excellent sources of vitamin K, C, fiber, and other essential minerals.
Sprouts can be eaten in the form of sprout salad or even sabji could be made out of sprouts.
6. Betel Leaves
This heart-shaped leaf is loaded with good health. The leaves are full of vitamins like vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin and carotene and are a great source of calcium. It is believed that the components present in betel leaves can reduce the level of sugar in the blood, thus treating diabetes.
Just make sure to not eat tobacco with it.
7. Curd
Curd has a number of health and nutritional benefits, and eating curd every day helps your system stay cool, improves your digestive system, and helps get rid of stomach problems. It is also high in calcium and protein, beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant and can’t take in milk.
Don’t eat sugar in the curd otherwise it will become unhealthy and also curd can be consumed in the form of buttermilk.
8. Seasonal Fruit
Never eat fruits which are not in season because it will be costly as well as prepared with chemicals. I always eat seasonal fruits since it is healthy and also cheap. For example, watermelon in summer costs less than 25Rs for 1 kg, whereas if you buy watermelon in winter it will cost you no less than 70-80Rs for 1kg.
9. Pulses (Dal and beans)
Pulses are a good source of iron, zinc, phosphorous, fiber and B-vitamins, which many people are deficient in. Pulses are low fat, high fiber, no cholesterol, low glycemic index, high protein, high nutrient foods. They are excellent foods for people managing their diabetes, heart disease or coeliac disease.
You can use them in every meal of the day from breakfast through dinner in the form of dal, sambhar, wada or even dal paratha
10. Amla
Amla is the richest source of vitamin c. If consumed every day, it is beneficial for good eye sight, skin, heart and even weight management.
One could eat amla daily in the form of achar, murabba and even juice.
11. Eggs
Eggs are loaded with vitamin A, E, B6 and B12, thiamin, riboflavin folate, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, selenium and so much more, it’s hard to find other foods with such a varied nutrient profile.
Best way to eat egg is by boiling them or eating it in the form of omelet.
12. Oats
A cup of oats gives 5 g of protein and an impressive 4 g of fiber, which helps regulate your body's sugar usage to hold your hunger in check. Studies also link increased dietary fiber intake with lower body weight, cholesterol levels, and risk of type 2 diabetes.
One could eat oatmeal in the morning or use oats instead of rice in khichdi. One could also add oats flour to the regular flour to make chapatis super healthy.

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