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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Dieting but still gaining belly fat? Common Mistakes People Make for Weight Loss

Dieting but still gaining belly fat? Common Mistakes  People Make for Weight Loss

Still Really Not seeing results despite your efforts to shed the weight in pounds? It seems slimming down the waistline is going to be a lot lot harder than it sounds for many people trying to lose weight.  Perhaps, dieting people undeniably make some mistakes knowingly or mostly unknowingly along the way and yet, they don’t even realise it - most of the time.

If you are still feeling disappointed in your weight loss journey or gaining a few pounds on a diet, chances are you may be making one of these sneaky  dietary  or fitness mistakes that may be hindering your efforts to slim down. Here are the some most common weight loss mistakes dieters make when trying to shed their belly fat and get that perfect hourglass figure.

Eating Too much of a healthy food

Please keep in mind that it's quantity which matters when it comes to weight loss, although paying attention to the quality of the food is important. The  true fact is that you can still pile on the pounds by eating too much good food - for instance, increasing your fibre intake too much can lead to gas and bloating, although fibre-rich foods are linked to many health benefits, including weight loss. Similarly, the snacking done on nuts is healthy, to an extent, but if you go too far with your fat intake, you’ll start gaining weight -no matter how healthy it is.

Consuming a Too few Calories Diet

Keeping a healthy calorie deficit can be helpful to you when trying to lose weight. But by reducing your calorie intake too much can be counterproductive. Various Studies on very low-calorie diets showed that consuming less than 1,000 calories per day can cause hunger, muscle loss and significantly slow down metabolism, disrupting your weight loss journey and other problems may start.

Mindless Eating food at your desk

You may not even realise but being mindful is an important part of weight loss and weight management. Whenever  you slow down to taste and savour your food, you’re tuning into your satiety- the feeling of fullness, especially with food. This means that you are less likely to indulge in mindless eating what may make you overeat and gain weight. So, lets try taking 10 minutes out of your day to eat your lunch elsewhere and not at your desk.

Rmember- You are Working out too much or not exercising

Its true that Regular exercise helps you lose weight, , reduce the risk of certain conditions, improve your mental health and increase lifespan. However, the excessive exercise is unsustainable in the long term for you as it may lead to severe stress, which may impact your fitness goals. In a study, published in The Lancet Psychiatry Journal, found that exercising for more than 23 times a month (or exercising for longer than 90- minutes sessions) is linked with worse mental health. The researchers has  suggested that the optimum amount is being active for 30-60 minutes every second day.

Rethink About Your Drink

Whether it’s a regular soda, a mug of beer, or a glass of wine, it’s got calories. And whenever you’re trying to unwind the numbers on the scale, water (or a smaller glass of your favorite beverage) might be a better choice. If you drink alcohol, remember that it might just make you throw your will power out the window when you order your meal, too. 

Disclaimer:  The Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be treated as professional medical advice.  Hence Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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